Monday, March 28, 2011

Mumford and St. Patrick's Day!

So again I will apologize for not putting anything up in a while but it has been quite busy around here recently! This past week was my last week of classes. You may be thinking "What? You just got there!" Well you are right and that is exactly what  I am thinking too. This last week we incredibly busy as I had all of my assignments due in all my classes. These were the only assignments of the semester before finals so I was not at all used to doing work of any sort for my classes and I think this made it even harder to do.

A few weeks ago I went to a concert by the band Mumford and Sons. The concert was amazing, I was front row with my elbows on the stage and they played a heck of a show. Then after the show, one of the guys in our group waited outside for them and walked with them to a pub right near our apartment. We walked over to the pub and when I walked through the door I was face to face with Marcus Mumford! It was crazy because the owner locked the door right after we had gotten in so that no one else would come in and it was a really small crowd in the bar. I got to talk to all of the guys and they were all really nice and happy to talk to us common folk. They apparently love Minnesota! The kept going behind the bar to pour people beers and hand them out and they were in charge of all the music (they apparently love Paul Simon's "You Can Call Me Al", but who doesn't). It was quite an amazing night! The pictures below are both of Marcus, one with the group I was with and the other with the pub owner.

It was great to be able to celebrate St. Patrick's day in Ireland! We woke up and the group made a huge brunch which was awesome and a perfect way to start the day! After that we went to the parade which was fun but a little odd. It seemed more like a festival of cultures with little to no mention of the fact that it was St. Patrick's day. At one point they wheeled a 20 ft metal rooster down the street surrounded by chefs chasing around people dressed as eggs with huge egg beaters. This was made even more strange by the fact that there was no explanation at all as to what the hack this was supposed to be. At night a bunch of people from CSB/SJU who are studying in London got here to visit and partake in the St. Paddy's day fun. We went to a few different pubs and heard some great traditional Irish music and had a great time.

It will be great to now have some time off. I have been trying to figure out my travel plans for April and I'll try to put up my final plans when they are made on the blog. For now I am just relaxing and looking forward to my parents getting here!

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