Friday, January 21, 2011

Another Week Gone By

Another great week has come to a close. Classes went really well and I am enjoying the laid back nature of Irish school. I am a bit embarrassed to admit that I only have class three days a week (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday) but it is really nice to have lots of time to read, play guitar and explore the city. I got another taste of how relaxed it is here as my professor for my Irish Politics started off the lecture by saying "I see that some students have schedule conflicts with this class but the lecture notes are online and just come when you are able". This is not something that you would hear an American professor ever say.

Last Sunday was my first hike around the mountains at Mahon Falls.  We started bright and early and boarded the bus at 8:30 at UCC.  The beginning of the hike was quite steep as we ascended the mountain and served as a nice reminder of how out of shape I am and how I need to keep coming on these hikes! Once we made it to the top of the first peak we had a long hike on top of the plateau across boggy grass. I was, up until this point, quite unfamiliar with bogs but was quickly introduced and was very happy with the investment I made in waterproof hiking boots.

The views were absolutely spectacular from the top of the mountain. We overlooked green fields and lakes that resembled exactly what I thought I would be seeing in Ireland. It was quite overcast and so pictures really do not do it justice but I will put a good one up anyways. Fortunately it did not rain on the hike and actually the weather here has been great for the past few days. You really begin to appreciate the sun and a nice day when it rains as much as it does here.

On wednesday I went rock climbing with the mountaineering club. I went by myself which is a great way to meet new people. After we went to a local pub and had free pizza! I am really excited about getting the chance to do more climbing here as well as the hiking. It is strange how I am more involved with things here than I am at home. I am just trying to do and experience as much as possible!

I am quite pleased to say that I just got a new camera today from my parents as a birthday present. A big thank you goes out to them and also to Chris Sheehan for a great camera recommendation. I hope to take a bunch of photos now and am excited to share them with all of you! I am going to a seaside town called Ballycotton in the morning and then my second hike on sunday so there will be no shortage of sights to document and pictures to put up on here! Until then, Cheers!

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